Experiences with Haskell as a person with Asperger's -or- 'Ow much 'askell would an aspie 'acker 'ack if an aspie 'acker could 'ack 'askell?
- Talk given at
AngloHaskell 2007
. "Asperger's is an oft-controversial condition on the autistic spectrum, sometimes (mis)described as 'geek syndrome'. Philippa talks about how the condition affects her, how and why Haskell works for her as a programming language and how the Haskell community has responded to her."
Fusion-powered EDSLs
- Talk given at
AngloHaskell 2008
Visibly Powerful Parsing
, a talk on parsing using Visibly Pushdown Languages. Given at Fun in the Afternoon, March 2011.
Philippa Cowderoy
flippa at flippac dot org
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